Zacademy - Zbrush Training, tutoriale 3D

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T h e Z A c a d e m y C o m p
e Z A c a d e m y C o m p i l a t
i l a t i o n
i o n
May 10, 2001
(in alphabetical order)
Le Discot
The Saint
Compiled by
Forward by
Written permission from all contributors was obtained prior to the inclusion of respective contributions. All
contents are copyrights of their respective owners. Pixologic, ZBrush and their respective logos are
copyright Pixologic, Inc. ZAcademy, Senntient and their respective logos are copyright Christian G.
T h
e Z A c a d e m y C o m p
i l a t
i o n
Through artistic expression I am able to share my most intimate emotions... happiness and sorrow, anger
and confusion, for play and for therapy, creativity is my most basic art form. An intuitive tool that allows
me to express this creativity and emotion clearly and effectively is imperative - yet very hard to find.
Without effective expression, I am lost.
Every now and then, I find an artistic tool that helps me express my imagination in some new and
interesting way. In 1999, I came across one such tool, called "ZBrush," which broke down creative
barriers and enabled me to capture my imagination faster than ever before. As I used this tool more, and
as it developed over the next two years, more and more people realized the artistic potential this
revolutionary graphic application offered.
In September of 2000, I opened the ZAcademy - a forum designed to help build, encourage, support and
inform the growing ZBrush users around the world. It was here that ZBrush users asked questions,
posted images, tips and tutorials - supporting each other and offering a significant amount of knowledge
within the campus of the ZAcademy throughout its seven month life-span. Although most of the tips and
tutorials I contributed to the ZAcademy are absent from this document, it is important to note that this
material is being revised and will be included, combined with a large amount of new and unseen content,
in my upcoming tutorial CD. Stay tuned for an official announcement!
Upham compiled the following document comprising many useful tips and tutorials designed to help you
better understand ZBrush. Through reading, experimenting and inquiring at various ZBrush forums
sprouting up around the web, I'm sure your imagination and increasing confidence will help make your
ZBrush experience more rewarding!
Please join me in thanking the contributing ZBrush artists for their contributions, and Upham for his
initiative and time - without which this compilation document would not exist!
Zee you soon,
-kurisu :)
ZBrush, What is it?
By Kurisu
ZBrush is a painting application powered by a real-time rendering engine that allows you to paint
directly on your digital canvas with color, material (like wood, metal, reptilian skin, etc.) and depth...
then manipulate light sources in your document to give the illusion of real 3D! You can sculpt and
paint 3D objects in real-time then combine these with your digital canvas with a process called "snap-
ZBrush is designed to allow you to achieve 2 goals effectively: Paint a beautiful image quickly, and
sculpt/paint 3D objects. The ZBrush document is composed of smart pixels, called Pixols, that
possess color, material, orientation and depth information. To sum up the benefits to you as a user:
You worry less about technical stuff, and spend your time and energy creating a pretty picture!
ZBrush has an extensive set of 3D sculpting tools that allow you to load, import, create, modify, save
and export 3D objects in various 3D formats.
While you're editing your 3D object, it remains in one of the 4 transformation modes
(pointer/move/scale/rotate). When you snapshot your object, it is converted to Pixols... You can still
edit this object until you paint elsewhere or sculpt/select a new object.
Once your 3D object is snapshot, you can edit it and the rest of your document with any of the many
Pixol manipulation functions within ZBrush. This is one of the strengths of ZBrush - because you are,
in a sense, starting a picture, rendering it, and then applying the finishing touches... all within 1
dynamic and real-time environment... with pixel-to-pixel control.
You have the ability to create a scene, from start to finish, entirely within ZBrush. You can paint it,
sculpt objects and snapshot them into your image, polish and tweak the render within the same
environment. No separate modules, just one real-time environment that gives you pixel-to-pixel
control. The picture you are creating is like a movie set. Everything you see is a facade. You won't
rotate your painted scene... it is Pixols. If you *were* able to rotate, the wonderful 3D illusion would be
broken. The combination of this innovative 2D style with depth, combined with 3D sculpting and
painting makes for quite an inspiring artistic environment.
ZBrush can be used for many things, including photo-editing and retouch. By loading your image into
ZBrush, you open up a whole world of possibilities unavailable anywhere else. Combining ZBrush's
unique construction, with many 2D and 3D tools, you can work within one seamless, real-time
environment to edit, add to, polish and bring your photos to life! ZBrush offers an extensive set of
image adjustment brushes to paint with, including: Blur, Sharpen, Noise, Highlighter,
ShadingEnhancer, Glow, Colorize, Intensity, Saturation and more! By combining these with many
other 2.5D tools, an extensive set of fully editable 3D primitives (edit/add/import your own too!) and
non-destructive image Adjustments (hue/saturation/contrast/brightness/color/etc.)... you *can't* go
wrong! ...and you can add depth to a flat image, move & change the lights and materials, import
objects, sculpt... incorporating all of this real-time painting and modeling in one intuitive, seamless
environment. ZBrush is designed to be fun and to provide you with incredible power... "Z" for yourself
why Pixologic says "Seeing is Believing!"
Keyboard Shortcuts
By Kurisu
3D Copy
= Ctrl+g (Transform/)
- with 3D object in Transformation or Edit mode, will copy whatever is visible in
front of object
Configuration Store
= Ctrl+Shift+i (Preferences/)
= d then number then Enter / or Esc to cancel (Draw/)
Draw Size
= s then number then Enter / or Esc to cancel (Draw/)
Floating Menu On/Off
= Tab key
= l - to lock RGB and Z Intensity values together (Draw/)
Marker Create
= m (Transform/)
Marker Remove
= Ctrl+m (Transform/)
Marker Remove ALL
= Alt+m+(Windows key or Option key)
Mask, ADD
= Ctrl+click -
in Pointer Edit mode / click + drag Alpha in Move Edit mode
Mask, Subtract
= Ctrl+Alt+click -
in Pointer Edit mode / click + drag Alpha in Move Edit mode
= Ctrl+o (Document/)
Pop-up Info
= hold cursor over command (more information = Ctrl)
= Ctrl+Shift+z (Edit/)
Render Cursor
= Ctrl+r (Render/)
Render Layers
= Ctrl+Shift+r (Render/)
RGB Intensity
= i then number then Enter / or Esc to cancel (Draw/)
Save Document
= Ctrl+s (Document/)
Save Tool
= Ctrl+Shift+t (Tool/Inventory/)
Scroll Document
= spacebar+drag (Zoom/)
Scroll Layer
= Ctrl+drag (Version 1.1+)
Snapshot Object
= Ctrl+s (Transform/)
- with 3D object in Transformation or Edit mode, will copy the current
3D object without exiting mode
= Ctrl+z (Edit/)
Z Intensity
= Shift+i then number then Enter / or Esc to cancel (Draw/)
Zoom In
= = (Zoom/)
Zoom Out
= - (Zoom/)
- Pointer Transformation Mode
= q (default for all tools)
Move Transformation Mode
= w
Scale Transformation Mode
= e
Rotate Transformation Mode
= r
Edit Mode
= t
= 'Alt' key (or Tablet eraser) -
In ZAdd Draw mode, drawing 3D object will ZCut / Will push points while
editing 3D objects / Will invert color editing tools (ie. Highlight Brush --> will darken, etc.)
- Alpha
= Alt+a
= Alt+c
= Alt+o
= Alt+d
= Alt+e
= Alt+l
= Alt+k
= Alt+m
= Alt+v
= Alt+i
= Alt+p
= Alt+r
= Alt+s
= Alt+b
= Alt+x
= Alt+t
= Alt+f
= Alt+z
Answered by Digits
I am having awful trouble reselecting something: If I make a sphere, then use the hook
brush, I cannot then rotate my sphere.
: This is the first thing that you have to learn when using Zbrush modeling is that
once you have changed a tool, switched to another layer etc... your object is then converted to Pixols on
the canvas and you can't go back. You can however, go in and out of edit mode to move, scale or rotate
your object and then return to edit mode
to morph, color etc...
A few tips that I have learned using objects.
By Kurisu
1. Work on your new object in a separate layer
Why? If you accidentally deselect your object just erase the layer and then reselect your object in the tool
menu to continue working on it.
2. Save your tool often
If the program crashes, you can get it back. If you save the document and exit forgetting to save your
object then you can't get it back at all. (done this a-lot)
3. Use Markers
If you mess up and have to clear the layer or need to duplicate your object a few times you can get it back
with the same size and orientation that you made the marker. Also this is cool to get the exact center of
an object.
Make a donut and place a marker
Select a sphere from the tool-box
Click the marker
The sphere appears in the exact center of the donut and the same size scale the sphere so it fits inside
the donut
Garg Image steps. (see next page)
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